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Re-ignite Your Spirit

Pink Skirt
Beauty in Nature

An Individual Coaching Opportunity

Yearning for something more?

You are successful. You work hard. And yet, something feels like it’s missing. You’re seeking deeper purpose, authentic wealth, stronger relationships, and vibrant health - a life that feels in harmony with what makes you unique.

What Susan

Create a Life You Love

Re-ignite Your Spirit is a 4-month transformative journey designed to help spiritually driven entrepreneurs and business executives reclaim their zest for life and achieve holistic success.

Expected Results

  • Redefine wealth beyond finances, aligning all of your goals with your values & passions.

  • Build deeper connection, trust, and mutual respect in your personal & professional relationships. Revitalize your mind, body, and spirit through energy management techniques.

  • Develop positive mindsets and unwavering self-confidence to overcome limiting beliefs.

  • Create a personalized blueprint for continued growth to keep you motivated and on track.

Why This Program?

  • Individual coaching

  • Holistic customized approach

  • Interactive sessions

  • Tools & practices you can use NOW

  • Results driven

  • I bring 30+ years professional experience to the table

Program Details

  • Work 1:1 with me to put full focus on you customized to your needs.

  • 16-Week Program: 8 LIVE online modules x 90 minutes each, twice monthly via Zoom.

  • Recorded sessions at your request.

  • Character Strengths & Values Survey.

  • Supplemental materials, tools, and practices you can use IMMEDIATELY.

  • 4 months of email support via M-F “Virtual Office Hours.”

Let's Connect!

Want to learn more?

LET'S EXPLORE TOGETHER to see if this is right for you!

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“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” 

Carrie Fisher

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